By: Susan Krok

In case you missed it live on LinkedIn last week, our President/CEO, Rush Blakely, had a conversation with Todd Thorpe, Director of Business Development with Cambium Networks. They discussed a number of topics relevant to multifamily owners, operators, and developers, including:

    • The RFP (request for proposal) process. Rush reviewed our process for new construction projects. We begin with a programming call, move into low-voltage design or peer review, and wrap this information into the RFP process with a curated group of qualified providers.
    • Recent FCC Regulation. Rush and Todd discussed both the 2022 FCC ruling on graduated revenue share as well as the 2024 proposed bulk prohibition—which has since been removed from the FCC docket.
    • Some thoughtful questions to ask before you enter an agreement with an internet service provider. A few on a long list included:
      • Will the provider use existing infrastructure or need to install new infrastructure?
      • What specific work will be completed in the residents’ units, and how long will technicians be in the units?
      • Who is responsible for repairs or restoration?
      • How long will it take after the agreement is executed for the project to begin, and how long will it take to be complete?
    • What buyers should look for before purchasing a property with an active bulk, Managed Wi-Fi or marketing/revenue agreement. Rush discussed the value of performing contractual due diligence to understand the terms of any agreement a new Owner would inherit at acquisition. The assessment of contractual terms, related risks, and uncovering conflicts that might be in place, along with the ability to quickly and formally assume revenue share payments and transfer courtesy services, are a crucial part of the due diligence process.
    • Nuances among property types when considering Managed Wi-Fi deployment. In this question, from the audience, Rush discussed some of the nuances involved in deploying Managed Wi-Fi in both garden style and mixed-use property types.

Click here if you’d like to see the full recording of their live conversation.

If you would like to connect with RealtyCom Partners to discuss how we can assist you in developing and executing strategies to deliver best in class services to your residents, while maximizing ancillary income, please email or visit