By Susan Krok
RealtyCom is thrilled to welcome back our Senior Accountant, Megan Jackson, and her new bundle of joy, Miss Avery Marie Jackson (who we fondly are referring to as our “RealtyCom Baby”). Avery was born on January 22, 2020 weighing 9lbs 10oz and we’re pleased both mom and daughter are healthy and doing well. Since we cannot see them in person right now, we asked Megan for an update and to share a little about her transition back to work during a pandemic. While at work, Megan’s attention is on revenue share audits, collections and quarterly variance reporting, her new role of becoming a mom has been a lovely new priority.
What are baby Avery’s favorite things to do?
She is growing and learning new things every day! She loves to talk, play, eat and sleep. She just recently learned to roll over and we’re taking bets on when she’ll start crawling…at the rate she kicks her chubby little legs it won’t be long. We are extremely lucky to have family nearby, and she sure loves her Papa and Nammy! We can’t wait to watch her grow and introduce her to the telecom business. 😊
What were you most looking forward to when you returned to the office? Has COVID-19 impacted your plans? What helps you stay focused working from home?
I missed the comradery. We have a tight knit group of people who work at RCP and being away from my second family wasn’t easy. I must admit after being away so long it is hard not to see everyone’s faces. Zoom meetings are my new best friend. I’m super grateful for my time with Avery, but I sure did miss my work family!
It can be lonely working remotely, but the upside is when I’m calculating revenue share reports and looking for provider errors or payment miscalculations, I’m able to focus better than ever. I jumped right back into work touching on assignments and assumptions that normally take the providers several months to complete, reviewed our revenue share management dashboards in Salesforce, and started routine revenue audits. We also perform a detailed review of the revenue payments prior to our Client entering into a new marketing agreement to ensure the telecom providers are all up to date on their payments, and I’ve been tackling that too.
Morning coffee and listening to music is a must! Sometimes mantras help me to stay focused, and I try to take normal breaks throughout the day – at home breaks are a bonus because it allows me a few minutes to catch up on dishes, eat a snack, make lunch and sometimes even take a quick walk.
If you had a 25-hour day and everyone else still only had 24, what would you do with the extra time?
Selfcare is so important – there is a small window of time in the afternoon I’m alone at home before my husband Jon and Avery arrive. This is when I take the opportunity to exercise, catch up on a favorite TV show or just zone out doing word searches or Sudoku puzzles. I also have time to get organized and ready for the next day and fix up a nice dinner for the family.
What if there was one “mommy duty” that you would never have to do again, what would it be?
Do I have to pick just one? Haha! I would have to say changing diapers. Avery hates having a wet diaper, so we go through many changes in a day and she’s pretty regular. 😊 One thing I’m grateful for is she’s not too squirmy during diaper changes, so they do go pretty quickly and without tears.