By Mike Manfredi

Most of the new construction projects RealtyCom is involved with are rich in amenities – enormous fitness centers, clubhouses with movie theatres, rooftop decks and social spaces, pools, coworking spaces, dog parks, and game rooms are but a few of the most popular amenities we see.  Residents expect these community spaces to be connected and a place for entertainment, so it’s not a surprise we spend the most time with assisting our clients with respect to High-Definition TV screens located in these areas.  Some of the projects we are currently involved with have 20+ televisions!  For an owner, the costs to provide these services can add up quickly.

When it comes to providing live television service to these screens, RealtyCom works with the telecom providers to minimize materials, installation and recurring expenses to our Clients.  This involves negotiating as many complimentary accounts as possible into the agreements, as well as allocating these complimentary accounts based on where the wiring for the televisions terminate.  For example, Provider #1 might offer complimentary live television to eight (8) screens; provided however, that all these screens are wired back to the same IDF Closet or AV Room. Provider #2 might offer two (2) screens which could be utilized in another space.

The design is a critical component to maximize these savings to the property and must take into consideration several factors to allow live television to be displayed when the property opens, or “down the road” when things change.

  1. Provider network design – Many telecom providers have migrated to a fiber to the unit “FTTU” design. This network design limits the number of video screens that can be served off a single fiber optic cable.  The LV Design must take into consideration the number of video screens that might be served from a single location (IDF Closet or AV Room) and make sure that it includes enough fiber to that location.
  1. Location of the set-top box – Does the client want to control the channel and volume of a specific television using the telecom provider remote, iPad, or wall-mounted touch pad?
    • If the Client wants to use the telecom provider remote, will the set-top box be placed behind the screen or in a visible location near the television?
    • If the Client wants to use an iPad or wall-mounted touch pad, what media (cabling) does the AV Contractor need between the television and the set-top box?

An important meeting onsite that RealtyCom coordinates with our clients is between the telecom provider(s) and the AV Contractor so they can agree on set-top box specifications, installation dates and locations.  This coordination is critical in making sure that all televisions are activated on time.

If you would like help with any of these considerations, please reach out to us at and we’d be glad to offer some advice.