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Biden Moves to Increase Competition in Multifamily Telecom

Last week you may have heard that President Biden signed an Executive Order aimed at increasing competition in a number of industries. Telecommunications is one of those industries and encouraged to be re-evaluated by the FCC.  RealtyCom is happy to speak with clients in more detail, and rest assured we are up-to-date with the news and in close communication with our attorney/vendor partners and the NMHC Government Affairs team. Once the FCC appoints a full commission, we believe the proceeding from a couple years ago will be reopened which involved looking at potential rules banning or restricting marketing, revenue share and exclusive wiring arrangements and it is possible bulk arrangements will be added to that list. RealtyCom will continue to advocate on behalf of our clients and owner operators in this important proceeding. Please also read NMHC’s post here for more information:

Contact with any questions.

By |2021-07-21T12:46:10-06:00July 21st, 2021|

Make Your Database Work for You

By Anne Gieseke

I confess, I am a very organized person and an avid list-taker at heart. One of my greatest pleasures is marking items as complete (yes, even grocery lists!).  As a Client Account Manager at RealtyCom Partners there is a lot to track and keep ahead of, and critical to that effort is a contract management database and project management tools that support us and client objectives. Contract management systems can come in many forms (Excel, Property Management software, 3rd party provider) but thinking about all the different pieces of information that help us drive value to our clients, I believe some of the most important aspects are:

1. Is it time to go out to bid for a new Service Provider proposal at a property? Often, Service Provider agreements can be negotiated ahead of the expiration of the current contract. Knowing exactly when you should begin those discussions is important to maximize per contract value. If you’re considering changing the level of service provided at a community, such as moving to Managed Bulk-Wi-Fi, planning should take place months in advance of an agreement expiration.

2. How do we get ahead of the due diligence on pending acquisitions? RealtyCom provides preliminary […]

By |2021-07-14T10:09:14-06:00July 13th, 2021|

VoIP in Multifamily: A Conversation with George Stephens, LLC

By Rush Blakely

Rush Blakely, President & CEO of RealtyCom Partners, recently sat down with our friends and founders of George Stephens, LLC, to discuss the benefits of VoIP phone systems in apartment communities. Our companies have worked together over the years with many clients to not only increase ancillary revenue opportunities and bring new technologies to your communities, but to reduce telecom expenses and business service costs for your leasing offices and operations teams. Robert George and Dan Stephens work with all types of organizations and below is some helpful information as you consider VoIP systems:

Rush:  Can you tell me a bit about your backgrounds?

Dan:  I have a background that started in operations management with a Fortune 500 company.  I made my foray into telecommunications in 2009 working for a regional provider.  I went on to sell managed communications services before co-founding George Stephens, LLC in 2011.

Robert:  I have worked in the technology field since 1997, and enjoy the inherent problem-solving  aspect of telecommunications.

Rush:  Can you tell me a bit about George Stephens, LLC?

Dan:  George Stephens, LLC was founded in 2011.  It serves as a telecommunications advisory firm for businesses and organizations of various sizes.  Our team maintains a provider-neutral […]

By |2021-07-06T10:57:26-06:00July 6th, 2021|
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