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FCC Update: Competitive Access to Multiple Tenant Environments, Partial Preemption of San Francisco Mandatory Access Ordinance and OTARD

Rush Blakely, President RealtyCom Partners

A Conversation with Rush Blakely

The FCC has been busy formulating and opening comments to new broadband regulations. We sat down with Rush Blakely, President of RealtyCom Partners to discuss some of the recent happenings.

Q:  Let’s talk about the recent FCC Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (“NPRM”).  What is the NPRM?

A:  The NPRM seeks comment from industry and other stakeholders on what rules the FCC should consider to promote competition in Multiple Tenant Environments (“MTE’s”) – including multifamily and commercial buildings.  The FCC is looking into certain types of agreements between providers and owners, specifically whether agreements that contain revenue sharing or provide for exclusive use of a provider’s home-run, are barriers to broadband competition in MTE’s.  Further, the FCC seeks comment on certain types of rooftop and distributed antenna system agreements.  Several of these items and more were brought up by the FCC in their Notice of Inquiry in 2017 on which, RealtyCom, NMHC and many multifamily owners filed comments.

Q:  What is RealtyCom’s view on the NPRM?

A:  Like the NMHC and other multifamily owners and associations, we feel the marketplace is working and providing residents with the choice of […]

By |2019-09-10T16:14:56-06:00September 10th, 2019|

Revenue Management Done Right

One of the most important functions of our business is management of the recurring revenue payments to ensure accuracy and avoid non-payment to our clients.  This asset management function is often overlooked, since it’s nearly impossible for a busy management or accounting team to stay on top of collecting and reviewing each report in detail and to work with the Service Providers to rectify issues.  While RealtyCom has always managed the payment process for our clients, we’ve recently expanded upon our revenue management program. In the short time we’ve offered these services, we have recovered nearly $1M in unpaid revenue on contracts our client’s inherited or that were negotiated prior to their engaging RealtyCom. So, we asked our VP of Accounting, Catherine Ratté, to explain common issues that lead to client’s being underpaid and the detail types of issues her department rectifies daily –

  1. Could you give us a broad overview of how RealtyCom manages so many payments, and the process your team takes to collect and audit payments?

Collection and auditing of revenue payments is increasingly complex due to each Service Provider having different payment terms, revenue share scales (fixed/flat/variable), missed reporting or information, and changing points of contact.

RealtyCom currently […]

By |2024-01-18T12:14:24-07:00June 12th, 2019|

Why Developers Need a Telecom Consultant On-site      

RealtyCom represents over 200 active construction projects across the country. We understand our developer-partners have so many considerations when building a new project, and are tasked with creating a Basis of Design and reviewing engineering plans that will ensure our clients meet important objectives and deadlines for crucial milestones in regard to telecommunications.

It’s important to have a thoughtful approach on how many providers and what infrastructure you may want to install now and have a contingency plan for the future. Important deadlines for life-safety, MPOE readiness, and service activation are critical to opening your project on-time.

The most common question we receive from our clients is, “When is the right time to get RealtyCom involved?” We discussed this and other important questions with our Senior Vice President of New Construction, Phil Veletzos….

  1. What is the process with a client when discussing a new project?

Typically, we get engaged with clients 2-3 years before the anticipated first resident move-in date and host a kick-off call with Owner representatives.  This usually takes place after entitlements and provides us with an opportunity to gather basic project information including timing, structures involved, number of units, retail/commercial spaces, common area amenity list, and any other project information that […]

By |2019-03-06T19:43:08-07:00March 6th, 2019|
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