Future-Proofing Multifamily Developments: Are You Game?
Engineering Optimal Connectivity For A Superior Resident Experience Requires Knowledge and Skill
By Joseph Rodriguez, Senior Director of Planning and Engineering, RealtyCom Partners
If you’ve ever attempted to master a Rubik’s cube, you might be able to relate to the multifaceted challenges that multifamily owners face when designing and planning a future-proofed network infrastructure.
Keeping pace with rapidly evolving technology and mapping that to resident expectations for connectivity is just one piece of the puzzle. Understanding the myriad telecom agreements provided by service providers is another. If only there were a simple plug and play solution!
That’s where RealtyCom Partners comes in.
Being Future Forward Requires a Rearview Mirror, a Telescope and a Magnifying Glass
Preparing for the future involves looking back, and our extensive project history is another way that RealtyCom helps with future-proofing multifamily developments. Whether garden style, mid-rise, or high-rise, we understand the unique challenges involved and guide multifamily owners on how to successfully future-proof their properties. Collectively, our team of experts brings decades of experience in lessons learned and proven solutions.
When RealtyCom is working on the design for a […]