Insights + News
RealtyCom Assistance during the Covid-19 Crisis
With so many residents working from their homes during the COVID-19 crisis, making sure your community offers the best internet speed possible to meet this growing demand is critical. If you’re experiencing a service issue, need to evaluate your services or need help with your Service Provider, RealtyCom Partners would [...]
FCC Policy Changes May Impact Multifamily Communities
By Phil Veletzos The FCC continues to consider changing current policies related to apartment communities and other multitenant environments. What they adopt will have important impacts to private property rights of Owner-Operators, Managers and Developers of multifamily communities, as they construct and manage telecom facilities, and the Service Providers who [...]
RCP Coronavirus Response
RealtyCom understands that our clients are working to ensure the safety and wellbeing of their employees and their communities during this most uncertain time. Likewise, RealtyCom is focused on protecting our employees while continuing to do ensure that we meet our client’s needs during the Coronavirus outbreak. Some of our [...]
How Multi-family Should View the 5G Network Benefit
Written by Steve Lefkovits In the future (according to “futurists”), we will be served by myriad robotic helpers orchestrating every aspect of our busy lives while we catch up on GOT and other bingeable shows. Seriously, if you listen to trendsetters like Fast Future’s Rohit Talwar, who developed various industry [...]
5G Network Tech: Parsing the Hype for the Multifamily Industry
In the future (according to “futurists”), we will be served by myriad robotic helpers orchestrating every aspect of our busy lives while we catch up on GOT and other bingeable shows. Seriously, if you listen to trendsetters like Fast Future’s Rohit Talwar, who developed various industry projections with China-based telecommunications [...]