The Property-Wide Managed Wi-Fi Evolution: Here’s What You Need to Know
The way residents use technology is constantly changing. Whether it’s the work-from-home revolution with the need for lighting fast symmetrical download and upload speeds, the desire to stream entertainment across multiple devices, the need to pair phones and watches to workout equipment, or simply wanting the reliability of being able to be online whenever and wherever, as a society, we are more connected than ever before.
The way apartment owners and developers are using technology is also changing. Apartment owners are installing more smart apartment devices such as lights, locks, thermostats and leak detection. These as well as building systems such as access control and A/V need to be connected to an owner-controlled network.
The high demand for steady and reliable connectivity where one lives, plays, and works is a huge factor in where people ultimately decide to call home. Multifamily community owners and property developers who are watching these trends are taking notice and making the switch from either retail subscription models or modem-based bulk internet to property-wide managed Wi-Fi ensuring fast and dependable connectivity for their residents as well as higher profits for their portfolios.
Modem-Based Bulk Internet vs. Managed Property-Wide Wi-Fi – […]