Existing Portfolio Analysis
We help our clients create substantial asset value by developing their needs assessment – identifying ways to create operational efficiency, accelerate profitability, and enhance resident experiences. We represent Owners and Operators across the country and are never compensated by service providers. We view ourselves as an extension of your team – we research, analyze and negotiate telecommunications proposals to advise our client on various business cases, given their particular strategy and options. Then our team manages all the behind-the-scenes contract and project management work, allowing our client to remain strategic decision-makers.
Advisory Services
- Contract Management and Due Diligence
- Network Infrastructure Due Diligence
- Portfolio Assessment and Annual Value Reporting
- Service Model Transitions (Fiber Overbuild, P2P, Managed Wi-Fi deployments and more)
- Acquisition/Disposition Support (formal contract assumptions/assignments)
- Curing Poor Resident Services
- On-site Team Resource (service disruptions, wiring issues, marketing support)
- Project Management Resourcing
- Regular Senior Level Reporting
- Industry Expertise with Continued Education
- Advocate (service provider, vendor, FCC, new Federal and State laws)
- Intermediary for Value-Add Services (Commercial Expense Reduction, 5G Cellular, Rooftop, IoT, Low-Voltage Design, DAS/CBRS)
Contract Negotiation + Value Creation
- Professional RFP and Negotiation Processing
- Vet Multiple Service and Business Models (Marketing/Revenue Share, Bulk, Managed Wi-Fi, Always On & other hybrid solutions)
- Financial Modeling and Underwriting
Revenue Validation + Auditing
- Contract Compliance
- Administration Resource
- Collections
Managed Wi-Fi + Bulk Services
- Scope of Work and Basis of Design Review
- Transition Plan Coordination and Reporting
- Project Management
- On-site Team Resource (construction, resident notices, set-up, training)
- Proactive Bandwidth/Circuit Monitoring
- Escalation Resource
Our experience and relationships within the telecom industry will help you uncover new services, technologies, and revenue for your communities. Industry trends and increased regulation heighten the need for a partner who can quickly adapt to your needs.
A Few of Our Clients
RealtyCom Partners currently represents over 180 multifamily clients. Let us introduce you to a few of them.