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Insights + News2022-06-29T06:54:12-06:00

Insights + News

17Sep '20

Telecommunication Considerations for Short Term Housing

By |September 17th, 2020|Blog|

By Mike Manfredi Several of RealtyCom’s Clients are exploring short-term housing.  Some want to use short-term housing as a temporary solution to vacancy during the lease-up stage of a new project while others are exploring short-term housing to enhance long-term net operating income (NOI).  Both objectives entail operational issues that [...]

14Sep '20

The Telecom Revenue Share Detectives

By |September 14th, 2020|Newsletter|

By Steve Lefkovits The complexity of contracts and property sales mean that as an industry, we are always contriving new ways for the revenue-share payments from telecom to go unpaid, or underpaid. Megan Jackson, Senior Accountant at RealtyCom Partners has turned into a bit of a telecom revenue share detective. [...]

4Sep '20

The RealtyCom Team is Growing

By |September 4th, 2020|Blog|

We are excited to introduce our newest team members. To view their profiles and the rest of the RealtyCom team, go to Accounting Assistant Antisha Partee joined RealtyCom Partners in 2020 as an Accounting Assistant. Her main focus is to process revenue share payments to ensure Clients receive their [...]

4Sep '20

Terminology Recap – Definition of 11 Words

By |September 4th, 2020|Blog|

By Cristy Boucher We do our best not to use telecom jargon in our memos and conversations with our clients and partners, but you’ve probably noticed on occasion we slip up!  In an effort to help you become a true telecom “nerd” like we are, we’re sharing 11 definitions of [...]

13Aug '20

Fitness Center Amenity Installation Ahead of Leasing

By |August 13th, 2020|Blog|

By Deborah Hoffman It seems that everybody loves gyms. Tenants love having them in their apartment buildings because on-site, they are a convenient place to work out while watching your favorite show on usually one of the many TVs available to distract and entertain. Owners and Property Managers love gyms [...]

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