Featured Client Hamilton Zanze
In our relationship with them over the years, RealtyCom has proved again and again that they they can provide value to us, the residents, the assets, and the investors. They are our go-to for any any sort of communication management services.
Tim Bruss, Managing Director of the Asset Management Group
Hamilton Zanze | San Francisco, CA
More from Hamilton Zanze
The Measure of Investment Intelligence is the Ability to Change
Hamilton Zanze is a multifamily operator with 91 properties, and 21,995 units across 15 states and 28 markets. Celebrating its 20-year anniversary in 2021, Hamilton Zanze has partnered with RealtyCom for more than 10 years to stay ahead of the curve as technology evolves. Tim Bruss, Managing Director, explains why RealtyCom is their go-to-source [...]